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11:00 a.m. September 12, 2004
Assemble in God’s Name
Organ Prelude:
Choral Introit:
s Hymnbook: "God of Our Fathers, Whose Almighty Hand” #515
s Passing the Peace
Concerns of the Church
Call to Worship (Shorter Catechism, Question 4)
Leader: The Lord be with you.
People: And with you also.
Leader: What is God?
People: God is a Spirit, infinite, eternal, and unchangeable, in his being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness, and truth.
A Litany of Confession and Assurance
(From Psalm 127:1-2 and Psalm 128:1-2)
Leader: "Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain."
People: Merciful God, we confess our tendency to rely solely on our own strength and ability. Now more than ever, we know that works of human hands alone will fail. Now more than ever, we need your guidance as we build our common life together with our neighbors close to home and far away.
Leader: "Unless the Lord guards the city, the guard keeps watch in vain."
People: Merciful God, we confess that we rely upon weapons of our own making-- and we know no security. We are learning that ultimately we cannot protect ourselves through warfare and violence. Help us to lean on you, trusting that whatever befalls, we are secure in your love alone.
Leader: "It is vain that you labor early and late, eating bread of anxious toil; for God gives sleep to his beloved."
People: Merciful God, we confess that we live frantic lives in a never-ending effort to be sure we have enough, to strive for more, to achieve success and security. Help us to stop our ceaseless activity, to rest in you, and to keep the Sabbath.
Leader: "Happy is everyone who fears the Lord, who walks in God’s ways. You shall eat the fruit of the labor of your hands; you shall be happy, and it shall go well with you."
People: Eternal God, in Jesus Christ you taught us to walk in your ways. In Christ, our sins are forgiven and we are freed to follow a new path-- and it shall go well with us. Thanks be to God.
s Gloria Patri #546
Presentation of Tithes and Offerings
s Doxology #544
Children's Sermon: “Traps and Snares”
I Peter 5:8-9
Dismissal to Children’s Church (5 and Under)
Prayers of the People
s First Scripture Lesson: Psalm 18:1-6, 46-50
s Hymnbook: "I Love the Lord, His Strength Is Mine” #370
Second Scripture Lesson: Psalm 46
Sermon: “Remembering 911”
Go in God’s Name
s The Apostles' Creed
s Prayer of Thanksgiving
s The Lord's Prayer
s Hymnbook: "God is Our Refuge and Our Strength” #381
s Charge and Blessing
s: All who are able, please stand.
On December 18, 2001, Congress approved a joint resolution designating September 11 of each year as “Patriot Day.” It is a day to remember the more than 3,000 innocent lives lost on that September morning in 2001. The resolution requests that each year the President issue a proclamation calling on the American people and state and local governments to observe the day with appropriate programs and activities.
Youth: Martha Rivers Park Outing, today, 2:00-4:30
Joint Meeting, Session and Diaconate, Tonight, 7:00 p.m.
Adult Bible Study: Wednesday, 10 00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
Next Sabbath, September 19, we will have a church Picnic at Ray King’s place on the lake. We will start eating around 5:00 p.m. However, we would like you to go earlier for a time of fun and fellowship at the lake. If you are going, please sign the sheet in the narthex of the church.
Kick Off Meeting of Community Dialogue for Change.
Monday, September 20, 2004, 7:00 p.m.
York Comprehensive High Gym
Men’s Fellowship Breakfast this month is on the fourth Sabbath, September 26.
If you have questions or comments, email Tony Grant
Copyright 2000 York Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church
Last modified 10/01/04