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September 2002
Almighty God, you know our hearts; you know our desires; you know our secret sins. Give us your Holy Spirit to cleanse our minds, hearts, and souls so that we may love you well and so that we may glorify and magnify your holy name.
God of all glory, you created the world, bringing light out of darkness. You began a new creation, raising Jesus Christ out of the darkness of death. Grant that we, the people you create by water and the Spirit, may be joined with all your works in praising you for your great glory.
Eternal God, Lord of heaven and earth, we praise you for your greatness. We see your wisdom in all your works. We see your grace and truth in Jesus Christ your Son. Through your Holy Spirit, You give us your power and presence. Therefore, we adore you, blessed Trinity, forever and ever.
O God, you are full of love and compassion and you fill us with love and compassion. You give us liberally of your grace and truth. The whole universe sings your praises, and so we praise you.
O God, light of the hearts that see you, you are the light of our hearts. O God, life of the souls that love you, we love you.
To turn from you, Lord, is to fall; to turn to you is to rise; to abide in you is to live in your radiant love forever. Although we are unworthy to approach you, or to ask anything at all of you, grant us your grace and blessing for the sake of Jesus Christ our Redeemer.
You are holy, O Lord, our Creator and Father, giving us mercies beyond number. You are holy, O Savior Jesus Christ, loving and setting us free. You are holy, O Spirit of truth and peace, leading us in ways of righteousness. O holy, eternal Trinity, we praise you forever and ever.
Almighty God, you raised Jesus from the grave and opened the way to eternal life. We praise you that you are a God who is strong to redeem, and loving in all your ways,
God of light and truth, you are beyond our grasp or conceiving. Before the brightness of your presence, even the angels veil their faces. With lowly reverence and adoring love we acclaim your glory and sing your praise, for you have shown us your truth and love in Jesus Christ our Savior.
0 God, source of all beauty and goodness, your grace comes fresh every morning. In each new day, you give us light. We praise you for your never-failing love that satisfies all our needs. We rejoice in your constant care, for you are faithful in love for all people, offering your salvation through Jesus Christ.
God of eternity, before you, lips are silenced in awe and wonder. Mere words fail to praise the fullness of your Word for us spoken in Jesus Christ. Let our lives reflect his love and so return to you all praise and glory by all we say and do.
Through Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen.
If you have questions or comments, email Tony Grant
Copyright 2000 York Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church
Last Modified: 6/27/02