Where Is Faith?
March 2002
When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?
(Luke 18:8 RSV)
O Lord, as we turn our prayers to you, we wonder, if the Son of Man were to come at this very moment, would he find faith in us?
Where is our faith? Where is the evidence of our faith that would convince not some skeptic but even ourselves?
Do we really believe that this life is only a short transition to a better one?
We are so soaked in materialism and secular values that we struggle with even the most basic ideas of the faith: Do we really believe in a spiritual reality? Do we regard the world as a passing illusion, and death as the entrance into the treasures of real value?
Do we live by faith? Unfortunately, Lord, sometimes the answer is that we do not. We are so impressed by the might of our society, that we forget faith. Yet, we cannot really forget, for our faith is our life. Our faith stirs to life our minds and enables us to cherish timeless truths.
Our faith nourishes our souls. Lord, teach us anew to take the same care to feed our souls that we take to nourish our bodies. Teach us to look at all things through the eyes of faith. Or rather, Lord, give us a single eye that we might see Jesus Christ in all things.
Lord, you know our fault and our sin. You know that far from living by faith we often work to wear down and destroy what little faith we have.
We adopt ways of thinking that are the exact opposite of our faith, and then we wonder why we have so little faith.
We separate our religion and our life into boxes and wonder why we have no religion.
Give us then the wisdom, O Lord, to answer this question, to answer truthfully and without pretension:
If I believe the way I say I believe on a Sunday, would I act the way I do? Would I speak as I do? Would I think as I do? Amen.
If you have questions or comments, email Tony Grant
Copyright 2000 York Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church
Last Modified: 2/15/02