Return to Prayer of the Month
May 2005
Holy God, through your love the whole world took shape and form. In your love, Lord, we are born and live and die. Because of your love, we dare to come before your presence as we are.
Grant to us, we pray, that deep silence of the heart that we might hear your Word to us. Grant that we might hear that we are never separated from the love that created us, the love that urges us to be more than we are. Bring us fully into your holy, healing presence and immerse our waiting, wanting spirits in your divine Spirit.
We praise you this day, merciful God, as the one who brightens our lives with your love, who gives us visions of what can be. You and you alone, Lord, sustain us in the dreary times of life.
We thank you for the gifts of joy and gladness. We thank you also for the assurance of your presence in life's shadows. We thank you for the promise of power to deal with the darker side of our own desires and emotions.
Hear, we pray, our petitions of intercession. We pray for the lonely, for the bereaved, for the sick, for the aged, for those who feel overwhelmed by personal problems. We ask, on their behalf, for the comfort of your presence.
We pray for our colleagues at work; we pray for our friends; we pray for the members of our families. Grant to them, and to us, the gift of honest love.
We pray for the poor, for the dispossessed, for the homeless. We pray for them not as abstractions but as flesh-and-blood women and children and men who have been battered by life. Grant them food, shelter, healing, and a special portion of joy. Send into their midst agents of your reconciliation who are able to make real for them your compassion.
We pray for those persons who have an abundance of things, but who are the prisoners of their own possessions. We ask for them the gift of freedom.
As always, we bring to you our deepest longings. Be our companion when we are lonely. Be our comfort when we struggle with difficult issues. Be our friend when we seek to run away from ourselves. Be our comforter when we weep. Be our hope when we despair. Be our joy when we are depressed. Be our healer when we are wounded. This we pray in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
If you have questions or comments, email Tony Grant
Copyright 2000 York Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church
Last Modified: 08/16/05