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Mother's Day
May 2003
Holy God, whose labor gave birth to a universe, we give you thanks for those women through whom you brought us into the world, and for all the other women who have been your instruments of love and nurture in our lives.
Thank you for the women who cared for us when we were helpless infants, who gave us our first impressions of your gracious love. Thank you for the women who called us to take our first steps, just as you would later call us to walk in the way of faith.
Thank you for the women of faith who first shared with us the truths of your Word.
Thank you for the strong women who modeled life's possibilities, and for the wise women who helped us overcome our fears.
Whether our experience of being mothered came through one woman, or many, we owe our thanks and praise to you for the blessings we received through them.
Gentle God, we pray for those women who want terribly to be mothers, but cannot. Thank you for the abundance of love you have poured into their hearts. Direct their steps to someone who needs that love as desperately as they need to give it.
God of strength, we pray for those who are mothers of growing children. Give them the patience to endure their blessings, the discernment to see the unique treasure in each child, and the wisdom to prepare their children for life in this complicated world.
Help those mothers who work outside the home balance the many demands on them in a way that fosters both healthy careers and healthy families.
Be especially near to those who must raise their children alone. Give these single mothers extra measures of stamina and humor, that both they and their children feel full of love.
Finally, we pray for those mothers we name silently in our hearts. Supply their needs, refresh their spirits, and help us communicate how much they have meant to us.
This we pray in the name of the Son of Mary, the only-begotten Son of God. Amen.
If you have questions or comments, email Tony Grant
Copyright 2000 York Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church
Last Modified: 01/10/03