A Prayer for
June 2001
Praise and glory to you, Creator Spirit of God.
You make our bread the communion of the body of Jesus Christ. You heal us, reconcile us, and make us the body of Jesus Christ. You make our wine the communion of Christ’s saving blood to redeem the world.
You are truth. You come like the wind of heaven, unseen, unbidden. You come like the dawn to illuminate the world around us. You grant us a new beginning every day.
You warm and comfort us. You give us courage and fire. You give us strength beyond our everyday resources. Be with us, Holy Spirit, in all that we say or think, in all that we do, this and every day.
O Holy Spirit, at the feast of Pentecost, you came upon the disciples, filling them with joy. You also filled them with boldness to preach the gospel.
Empower us with that same Spirit to witness to the redeeming love of Jesus Christ and draw all people to Him.
O Holy Spirit, earth has many languages, but your gospel proclaims your love to all nations in one heavenly tongue. Make us messengers of the good news. Give us your power to carry Jesus Christ to the world so that all the world may unite in one song of praise to the Only-Begotten Son.
O Holy Spirit, you were in the smoke and fire on Mount Sinai. You gave the old law to Moses. Today you reveal to us, in fire and light, the new covenant in Jesus Christ. Grant, we pray, that we may be kindled with the same Pentecostal tongues of fire that you brought upon the apostles. Grant that we may receive with joy your commandment of love.
Spirit of Power, may your boldness transform us. May your gentleness lead us. May your gifts be our goal and our strength, now and always.
We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with Father and Holy Spirit, one God now and forever. Amen.
If you have questions or comments, email Tony Grant
Copyright 2000 York Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church
Last Modified: 02/22/01