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Exalting the Risen Lord
January 2005
Lord Jesus, you are everything for me, everything about me, everything within me.
Lord, enfold me in your loving arms and empower me with your love to live your gentle way. Purge me, Lord, refine me, purify me, set me on fire, make me utterly what you would have me be.
Lord, as long as I see in you only the man that lived two thousand years ago—the teacher, the friend, the brother—my adoration and love remains somewhat limited. Others have been friend to me, brother to me. I have had other wise teachers. I have known other good men and women, great souls for God. I cherish them all. However, no human being can give himself utterly to another human being. The other human is after all is just like me. How can I exalt and worship such?
But, Lord Jesus, you are not as any other. With your mighty powers, you shine forth from within all the forces of the planet, and so become visible to me. I know you as my sovereign, and I delight to surrender myself to you.
Glorious Lord Jesus, you have the power of worlds, and you are warm with the love of life. You are the dazzling center of all things. All things meet in you and find their purpose in you.
You are the Son of Man, clothed with the long robe of the planets, wearing a golden sash of stars. You are the very force of the universe, active at the very heart of matter. Your hair is white as wool, white as snow, representing your wisdom, and your eyes are of fire, symbolizing the change you bring. Your voice is the sound of the crashing ocean, yet we love to hear that voice because it is also the voice of love.
You stride across the universe on feet of light. Your hands imprison the stars. Your face is like the sun above, like all the powers of the universe. Lord Jesus, king of the universe, heaven and earth fall down before you in worship. You are the first and the last, the one who was dead yet lives forevermore. You have the keys of heaven and hell.
You gather into your body all that is or will be—every beauty, every energy, every mode of existence.
What can I do, Lord? My whole being cries out to you, “My Lord and My God.” Amen.
If you have questions or comments, email Tony Grant
Copyright 2000 York Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church
Last Modified: 08/16/05