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use of the facilities
York Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church
1. Only non-profit community groups and groups specifically approved by the Session may use YARPC facilities. At its sole discretion, YARPC may refuse to allow use of its facilities to any group whose activity and purpose are not consistent with the church's philosophy and mission.
2. No "outside" events will be scheduled during times when major established YARPC events are taking place.
3. Events by non-church groups may be scheduled no more than six months in advance.
4. No political rallies are permitted.
5. Groups are to use only the areas assigned to them and are not permitted to wander through the halls or building.
6. Groups of students, high school age or younger, must have a sufficient number of chaperones on the premises at all times.
7. To ensure that other groups have an opportunity to utilize the church facilities, it is necessary that persons or groups adhere to their scheduled time.
8. Persons or groups using YARPC facilities will not be permitted to use church equipment unless previously requested or authorized by a church employee.
10. YARPC is not responsible for losses incurred by any member of the party using the facilities. All automobiles should be locked with valuable contents either removed or stowed out of sight.
11. The party using YARPC facilities and/or property shall be responsible for all damage to YARPC facilities and/or property caused by that party.
12. All areas used must be cleaned after use. Tables, chairs and equipment will be returned to their original position. Equipment belonging to the group using YARPC facilities will be removed immediately following the scheduled event.
13. No smoking in the church.
14. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted on the premises.
15. No gambling activities are permitted at YARPC at any time.
If you have questions or comments, email Tony Grant
Copyright 2000 York Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church
Last modified 09/09/02