Return to Prayer of the Month
April 2005
Lord Jesus, your love is beyond our imagining, yet your love is present in every moment of our lives. You comfort us in our sorrows and heal our wounds. You walk with us in our suffering. You are always with us, Lord.
Hear now this prayer of gratitude and praise. In all our days, you pour out upon us your compassion. You give us your grace and your mercy and your power. You offer an abundance for our needs.
We praise your name, Jesus Christ, and we pray that you will make us a people who are quick to give thanks and eager to share our bounty with each other and all your children.
On a Sabbath day, we gather with your people to be reminded and to experience anew your life freely given. Fill our hearts and minds and souls, Lord, and send us forth to give to those whose thirst is burning, whose lives are empty, whose hopes have vanished.
This day we give thanks for your church that can include us as givers and receivers of grace. Bless your church around the world. Be it a chapel or a cathedral; bless its leadership, its efforts, its generosity, its connections with your mystical body.
Call us, Lord, to be a people who make things better. Wherever we may be at this moment in our lives, whatever we may doing, may we do it in such a way that you will be glorified, and your kingdom will be brought nearer. Give us courage to reach beyond what we have dreamed to your bountiful vision for our lives and ministry.
Lord Jesus, include this day, this hour, in your gracious touch all who are suffering and in need. Help us, Lord, to see the faces and know the deep needs of your people, our brothers and sisters. Help us to be a light in their darkness, a hopeful word for their day. Bind us in your power and unity that we might increase the strength of our witness and service.
Give us all your peace and harmony. Surround us with your love and kindness. Lead us forward on a journey of caring that never ends and never gives up.
Create in us the mind and heart that was in Christ Jesus our Lord. This we pray, in his name. Amen.
If you have questions or comments, email Tony Grant
Copyright 2000 York Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church
Last Modified: 08/16/05