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October 2003
For Holy Communion
Most holy God: we praise you for creating the world we know. Perhaps you have created other worlds too, Lord, but we praise you for this world. We praise you for placing us on just the right planet revolving around just the right life-giving star.
We thank you for stamping your image upon us, for endowing us with minds to ponder your will and hearts that are restless until they find rest in loving obedience to you.
We give you thanks for providing for all our real needs, material and spiritual, and, above all, for granting us, in your divine Son, a model of a live lived with you and for you, and a Friend who sticks closer than a brother. For our creation, preservation, and salvation, we are thankful to you, O God, far beyond the power of words.
At the table of Holy Communion, we are reminded of the continuing presence of our Savior. We celebrate the life of Jesus of Nazareth. We remember his touchingly humble birth, his youthful wisdom, his loyalty to his family, his devotion to his disciples, his compassion for all of them, even for Judas. We remember the brilliance of Jesus’ teachings, his calm in crisis, his generosity toward his enemies. We remember with sorrow and awe Jesus’ courage before his judges, his forgiveness extended even to his executioners and the victory with which you rewarded him when you raised him from death on the third day.
We pray now for the gift of your Spirit to empower us in the celebration of this sacrament Jesus taught us. It is the sacrament of his presence—then, now, and at his return in glory. Let this common bread and this fruit of the lowly vine become for us the broken body and spilled blood of our Lord that we may partake of the redemption wrought by our Savior.
We have not deserved this meal. If we are asked, “Were you there when they crucified the Lord?” let us have the integrity to answer, “Yes, we were. And we were of no more use or help than the other disciples.” So let us approach his table that we may experience his forgiveness, his mercy, and his deathless love. We pray this in the gracious name of Jesus. Amen.
If you have questions or comments, email Tony Grant
Copyright 2000 York Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church
Last Modified: 8/18/03