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11:00 a.m.                                                   June 6, 2004

Assemble in God’s Name

Organ Prelude:

Choral Introit:

s Hymnbook: "Come, Thou, Almighty King"  #244

s  Passing the Peace

Concerns of the Church


Call to Worship (2 Corinthians 13:14)

Leader: The all-surpassing grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

People: The unshakable, unquenchable love of God be with you.

Leader: The joyous communion of the Holy Spirit be with you.

People: And also with you!


Opening Prayer


Prayer of Confession: (in unison)

We confess, triune God, that we have sinned and are in deep need of forgiveness and correction.

We have sinned against you, Father, by greedily exploiting and wantonly diminishing your creation, and doing so at high risk to our children and grandchildren.

We have sinned against you, Jesus, by withholding food and medical care and hope from those whom you loved and helped above all others.

We have sinned against you, Spirit of God, by ignoring or slighting our mandate to speak for our faith, in spite of God's promise to empower our witness.

On this Sabbath dedicated to the mystery of your being, we offer this prayer to you, Father, in the name of your gracious Son, in response to the prodding of your Spirit. Amen.

.Declaration of Forgiveness

Leader:  Who is to condemn? It is Christ Jesus, who died, yes, who was raised, who is at the right hand of God, who indeed intercedes for us. (Rom 8:34)

People: So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new! (II Corinthians. 5:17)


s Gloria Patri #546

Presentation of Tithes and Offerings


s Doxology #544


Proclaim God’s Word

Children's Sermon: “Trinity”

                                  II Corinthians 13:14

Dismissal to Children’s Church (5 and Under)


A Prayer to the Triune God


s First Scripture Lesson: Psalm 121

s Hymnbook: "I to the Hills Will Lift My Eyes” #377

s Second Scripture Lesson: Matthew 6:1-4


Sermon: “Don’t Show Off”


Go in God’s Name

s The Apostles' Creed

s Prayer of Thanksgiving

s The Lord's Prayer

s Hymnbook: "A Charge to Keep I Have”  #301

s Charge and Blessing


s:  all who are able, please stand.



A New York church extends the following greeting to everyone: “The First Presbyterian Church in the City of New York extends a simple and unqualified welcome, in Christ’s name, to all who seek to join us.  “We affirm that there can be no exclusiveness within the body of Christ, and therefore invite all children of God into membership, encouraging the full participation of all members in every area of the life of this congregation.”


Youth today: Bonclarken Craft Workshop, 2-3 p.m.


General Synod meets at Bonclarken this week.  Dr. Tony Grant and Ruling Elder Jeff Rossy will represent York.  Please be in prayer for this meeting of Synod.




If you have questions or comments, email Tony Grant

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Last modified 10/01/04